POLICY BRIEFS: Racial Discrimination and the Moderating Effects of Racial and Ethnic Socialization on the Mental Health of Asian American Youth; Social Stigma toward Persons with Opioid Use Disorder: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey of U.S. Adults.
CHAS PODCASTS: Invisible Visits: Black Middle-Class Women in the American Healthcare System by Dr. Tina Sacks, AM, PhD
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Welcome Back! The first day of the Autumn quarter is just around the corner! CHAS wishes all students and faculty across the University of Chicago a happy and healthy start to the new academic year.
Autumn Michael M. Davis eLectures Begin Oct. 12th! Each academic quarter, the Center for Health Administration Studies (CHAS) sponsors the Michael M. Davis Lecture Series, which brings renowned policy experts, researchers, and commentators to the University to explore the intersection of health policy and the broad needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. The Autumn 2021 Series will run from October 12th through November 16th and all lectures will be held online via Zoom.