Annual Reports

Center for Health Administration Studies (CHAS) programming supports interdisciplinary inquiry, research translation, dissemination, and student learning. CHAS engages stakeholders, including faculty members and students from across The University of Chicago, to explore new questions, to identify knowledge gaps, and to translate research into policy and practice focused on health care for people facing disadvantages. The academic community stakeholders receive highlights of recent successes and summaries of CHAS supported resources through Annual Reports, monthly e-newsletters and historical database resources, all of which are archived on this page.



CHAS eNews: September 2018

POLICY BRIEFS: Exploring Transgender Legal Name Change as a Potential Structural Intervention for Mitigating Social Determinants of Health Among Transgender Women of Color; Medicaid Eligibility Expansions May Address Gaps In Access To Diabetes Medications; Building...

CHAS eNews: August 2018

POLICY BRIEFS: Placing Assimilation Theory: Mexican Immigrants in Urban and Rural America; A Network Intervention to Locate Newly HIV Infected Persons Within MSM Networks in Chicago; Medicaid Benefits for Addiction Treatment Expanded After Implementation Of The...

CHAS eNews: July 2018

POLICY BRIEFS: Trends in Post-Acute Care Use Among Medicare Beneficiaries: 2000 to 2015; A Study of Low Incidence Reporting Associated With Sexual Victimization of Female Inmates by Prison Staff; The Importance of Obtaining Father Involvement Reports Directly From...



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