POLICY BRIEFS: Do Benefits Restrictions Limit Medicaid Acceptance in Addiction Treatment? Results From a National Study; A Life Course Perspective of Victimization, Child Welfare Involvement, Cumulative Stress and Mental Health for Mothers on Probation and Parole.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shaping a Science of Social Wok
UPCOMING EVENTS: Michael M. Davis lectures will resume in Spring 2019.
CONFERENCE REMINDERS: SSWR 23rd Annual Conference; Unite for Sight’s Global Health & Innovation Conference; Unite for Sight’s Global Health & Innovation Conference; The Network for Social Work Management’s 30th Annual Management Conference; Society for Prevention Research: Prevention Science in a Big Data World; Council on Social Work Education; Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action.
CHAS Podcasts: Interview with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris; Interview with Dr. Stacy Lindau.