POLICY BRIEFS: Assessment of Nursing Home Reporting of Major Injury Falls for Quality Measurement on Nursing Home Compare; Social Networks Moderate the Syndemic Effect of Psychosocial and Structural Factors on HIV Risk Among Young Black Transgender Women and Men who have Sex with Men; Differences in the Receipt of Low-Value Services Between Publicly and Privately Insured Children.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Michael M. Davis Lecture Series: Annie Ro, PhD, MPH; Byron J. Powell, PhD, LCSW; Jonathan Ozik, PhD; Gina Fedock, PhD; Matt Aalsma, MA, PhD, HSPP; Ruth Bloch Rubin, PhD; Diane Lauderdale, PhD
CONFERENCE REMINDERS: Women in Digestive Diseases; Congress on Healthcare Leadership; 12th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference; Chicago Disability Studies Conference – Doing Disability Studies: Cripping Community, Culture, and Collaboration; National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence; Women Leaders in Healthcare Conference.
CHAS Podcasts: Interview with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris; Interview with Dr. Stacy Lindau.