POLICY BRIEFS: “Girls have commercial sex, boys don’t:” Mixed-Methods Evidence for a Gendered Risk Environment for Street-Connected Young People in the Republic of Georgia; Identifying Relative Strength of Methadone Versus Health and Social Services in Comprehensive SUD Treatment Using a Variance Decomposition Approach

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our 2021 Annual Report is Here! The Center for Health Administration Studies (CHAS) is an endowed health policy and services research center that has been serving The University of Chicago for over 70 years. In 2021, CHAS continued to advance health and social services policy innovation and reform. And, during two years of global COVID-19 pandemic surges, CHAS expanded its technological footprint to address its mission. Read more in our annual report below and on our website. View Annual Report.

Our Spring Michael M. Davis eLecture Series Begins Next Week! Each academic quarter, CHAS sponsors the Michael M. Davis Lecture Series, which brings renowned policy experts, researchers, and commentators to the University to explore the intersection of health policy and the broad needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. The Spring 2022 Series will run from April 5th through May 10th and all lectures will be held online via Zoom.

REMINDER: CHAS Seed Grant Applications: Due Before April 30, 2022: CHAS Seed Grant proposals are currently being accepted online through April 30, 2022. New awards will be funded for the performance cycle of July 2022 through June 2024. Please see PI criteria at our website. To learn more about the CHAS Seed Grant program or to submit a proposal, please visit our website. If you are not able to meet the April 30th date, please contact Keith Brown at kebrown@uchicago.edu to discuss an extended deadline.

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