CHAS eNews: June 2020

POLICY BRIEFS: Scarce Resource Allocation Scores Threaten to Exacerbate Racial Disparities in Healthcare; Black Women’s PrEp Knowledge, Attitudes, Preferences and Experiences in Chicago. CHAS PODCASTS: Invisible Visits: Black Middle-Class Women in the American...

CHAS eNews: May 2020

POLICY BRIEFS: How Coronavirus is Exposing our Racial Disparities. How Obamacare Helps Hospitals Battle the Pandemic. ANNOUNCEMENTS: PhD Stipend Applications; COVID-19 Innovation Challenge. UPCOMING EVENTS: The Process of Foresight – How Futures Practice Can Enhance...

CHAS eNews: April 2020

POLICY BRIEFS: Paying for Medicaid – State Budgets and the Case for Expansion in the Time of Coronavirus; Disablement in Context: Neighborhood Characteristics and their Association with Frailty Onset Among Older Adults ANNOUNCEMENTS: PhD Stipend Applications; CHAS...

CHAS eNews: March 2020

POLICY BRIEFS: System Changes Could Improve Relationships between Incarcerated Mothers and Their Children; Correlates of Patient-Centered Care Practices at US Substance Use Disorder Clinics ANNOUNCEMENTS: CHAS Seed Grants 2020; Check on the Elderly During Coronavirus...