Book Archive

  • Training Physicians: The Case of Internal Medicine, Claire H. Kohrman, Ronald M. Andersen, Mary Margaret Clements. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 1994.
  • The Health Services Continuum in Democratic States: An Inquiry into Solvable Problems. Odin W. Anderson, Health Administration Press, Arbor, MI, 1989.
  • Pediatric Home Care: Results of a National Evaluation of Programs for Ventilator Assisted Children (RS 36). Lu Ann Aday, Marlene J. Aitken, and Donna Hope Wegener. Pluribus Press, Chicago, IL, 1988.
  • Ambulatory Care and Insurance Coverage in an Era of Constraint (RS 35). Ronald M. Andersen, Lu Ann Aday, Christopher S. Lyttle, Llewellyn J. Cornelius, and Meei-shia Chen. Pluribus Press, Chicago, IL, 1987.
  • The Municipal Health Services Program: Improving Access While Controlling Costs? (RS 34). Gretchen V. Fleming and Ronald M. Andersen, Pluribus Press, Chicago, IL, 1986.
  • Health Services in the United States: A Growth Enterprise Since 1875. Odin W. Anderson, Health Administration Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1985.
  • Hospital-Physician Sponsored Primary Care: Marketing and Impact. Lu Ann Aday, Ronald M. Andersen, Sara S. Loevy, and Barbara Kremer. Health Administration Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1985.
  • Access to Medical Care in the U.S.: Who Has It, Who Doesn’t (RS 32). Lu Ann Aday, Gretchen V. Fleming, and Ronald M. Andersen. Pluribus Press, Inc., Chicago, IL, 1984.
  • HMO Development: Patterns and Prospects (RS 33). Odin W. Anderson, Terry E. Herold, Bruce W. Butler, Claire H. Kohrman, and Ellen M. Morrison. Pluribus Press, Inc., Chicago, IL, 1984.
  • Health Care in the United States: Equitable for Whom? Lu Ann Aday, Ronald Andersen, and Gretchen V. Fleming. Sage Publications, Inc., Beverly Hills, CA, 1980.
  • National Health Insurance: Conflicting Goals and Policy Choices. Judith Feder, John Holahan, and Theodore Marmor. The Urban Institute, Washington, DC, 1980.
  • Forgive and Remember. Charles L. Bosk. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1979.
  • Total Survey Error: Applications to Improve Health Surveys. Ronald Andersen, Judith Kasper, Martin R. Frankel and Associates, Jossey-Bass, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1979.
  • Two Decades of Health Services: Trends in Use and Expenditure. Ronald Andersen, Joanna Lion, and Odin W. Anderson. Ballinger Publishing Co., Cambridge, MA, 1976.
  • Blue Cross Since 1929: Accountability and the Public Interest., Odin W. Anderson, Ballinger Publishing Co., Cambridge, MA, 1975.
  • Development of Indices of Access to Medical Care. Lu Ann Aday and Ronald Andersen. Health Administration Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1975.
  • Equity in Health Services: Empirical Analyses in Social Policy. Ronald Andersen, Joanna Kravits, and Odin W. Anderson (eds.), Ballinger Publishing Co., Cambridge, MA, 1975.
  • The Efficient Organization. Selwyn Becker and Duncan Neuhauser. Elsevier North Holland, Inc., NY, 1975.
  • Health Care: Can There Be Equity? The United States, Sweden, and England. Odin W. Anderson. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., NY, 1972.
  • The Demand for Health: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. Michael Grossman. Columbia University Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, NY, 1972.
  • Disease, the Individual, and Society. Gerald Gordon, Odin W. Anderson, Henry P. Brehm, and Sue Marquis. College and University Press, New Haven, CT, l968.
  • The Uneasy Equilibrium: Private and Public Financing of Health Services in the United States, 1875-1965. Odin W. Anderson. College and University Press, New Haven, CT, 1968.
  • A Decade of Health Services: Social Survey Trends in Use and Expenditure. Ronald Andersen and Odin W. Anderson. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1967.
  • Role Theory and Illness, A Sociological Perspective. Gerald Gordon. Collge and University Press, New Haven, CT, 1966.
  • Health Progress in the United States: 1900-1960. Monroe Lerner and Odin W. Anderson. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1963.
  • Medical Services Corporations in the State of Washington. George A. Shipman, Robert J. Lampman and S. Frank Miyamoto. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1962.
  • The Health of Older People: A Social Survey. Ethel Shanas. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1962.
  • Voluntary Health Insurance and Rate Making. Duncan M. MacIntyre. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1962.
  • Family Spending Patterns and Health Care. H. Ashley Weeks. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1961.
  • Comprehensive Medical Services under Voluntary Health Insurance, A Study of Windsor Medical Services. Benjamin J. Darsky, Nathan Sinai and Solomon J. Axelrod. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1958.
  • Community Involvement, An Analysis of the Ways in Which a Social Action Program is Carried Out in a Local Community. Christopher Sower, John Holland, Kenneth Tiedke and Walter Freeman. The Free Press, Glencoe, IL, 1957.
  • Non-Group Enrollment for Health Insurance, A Study of Administrative Approaches. Sol Levin, Odin W. Anderson and Gerald Gordon. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1957.
  • Voluntary Health Insurance in Two Cities, A Survey of Subscriber- Households. Odin W. Anderson and the Staff of the National Opinion Research Center. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1957.
  • Community Organization: Action and Inaction. Floyd Hunter, Ruth C. Schaffer, and Cecil G. Sheps. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 1956.
  • Family Medical Costs and Voluntary Health Insurance: A Nationwide Survey. Odin W. Anderson and Jacob J. Feldman. McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY. Available thru Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1956.
  • The Talladega Story. Solon T. Kimball and Marion Pearsall. (A study in community process.) University of Alabama Press, University, AL, 1954.
  • Paying for Medical Care in the United States. Oscar N. Serbein, Jr. Columbia University Press, NY, 1953.

Chapter Archive

  • “Evaluation of Outcomes of Alternatives to Hospitalization.” Lu Ann Aday and Marlene J. Aitken, in Joanne Kaufman and Ruth Bock, (eds.), Pediatric Home Care: Issues and Trends, New York, NY, John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
  • “Trends in the Organization of Health Services.” Ronald Andersen and Ross M. Mullner, in Howard E. Freeman and Sol Levine, (eds.), Handbook of Medical Sociology, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.
  • “Indicators and Predictors of Health Services Utilization.” Lu Ann Aday and Stephen M.Shortell, in Introduction to Health Services, Third Edition, edited by Stephen J. Williams and Paul R. Torrens, New York, NY, John Wiley and Sons, 1988.
  • “A Descriptive and Financial Ratio Analysis of Merged and Consolidated Hospitals: United States 1980-1985.” Ross M. Mullner and Ronald Andersen, in Richard M. Scheffer and Louis F. Rossiter (eds.), Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research: Merger in Health Care: The Performance of Multi-Institutional Organizations, JAI Press, Inc., Greenwich, CT, 1987.
  • “Shifting the Priorities and Values: A Commentary on Hiller and Gorsky.” Lu Ann Aday, in The Price of Health edited by George J. Agich and Charles E. Begley, Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1986.
  • “A Tale of Two Surveys: Lessons from the Best and Worst of Times in Program Evaluation.” Ronald Andersen, Lu Ann Aday, and Gretchen V. Fleming, in Leigh Burstein, et al (eds.), Collecting Evaluation Data: Problems and Solutions, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA, 1985.
  • “Health Services in the United States: A Growth Enterprise for a Hundred Years” in Theodore J. Litman and Leonard S. Robins (eds.), Health Politics and Policy, John Wiley Sons, NY, 1984.
  • “Government and Health – An Uneasy Equilibrium.” Odin W. Anderson, in Theodore J. Litman and Leonard S. Robins (eds.), Health Politics, Policy and the Public Interest, John Wiley Sons, NY, 1983.
  • “Improving the Provision of Ambulatory Care by City Government: Preliminary Findings from the Municipal Health Program.” Charles Brecher, Ronald Andersen, Edith Davis, Gretchen V. Fleming and Miriam Ostow, in Stuart H. Altman et al (eds.), Ambulatory Care, Lexington Books, Boston, MA, 1983.
  • “Leadership and Decision-Making.” Lawton R. Burns and Selwyn W. Becker, in Stephen Shortell and Arnold Kaluzny (eds.), Health Care Management: A Text in Organization Theory and Behavior, John Wiley Sons, NY, 1983.
  • “The Citizen Role in Health Politics: Democratic Wishes and Sensible Reforms.” James A. Morone, in Theodore J. Litman and Leonard S. Robins (eds.), Health Politics, Policy and the Public Interest, John Wiley Sons, NY, 1983.
  • “The General Hospital: A Social and Historical Perspective.” Odin W. Anderson and Norman Gevitz, in David Mechanic (ed.), Handbook of Health, Health Care, and the Health Professions, The Free Press, NY, 1983.
  • “Total Survey Error.” Martha J. Banks, Ronald Andersen, and Martin R. Frankel, in William G. Madow et al. (eds.), Incomplete Data in Sample Surveys, Vol. 1, Part 2, Academic Press, NY, 1983.
  • “Access to Medical Care in the United States: Equitable for Whom?” Lu Ann Aday, in Isaac Ehrlich (ed.), National Health Policy: What Role for Government, Hoover Press, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1982.
  • “Models of Representation: Consumers and the HSAs.” James A. Morone, in Health Planning in the United States: Selected Policy Issues, Institute of Medicine, Vol. 2, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1981.
  • “The Real World of Representation: Consumers and the HSAs.” James A. Morone, in Health Planning in the United States: Selected Policy Issues, Institute of Medicine, Vol. 2, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1981.
  • “The Social Strategy of Disease Control: The Case of Senile Dementia.” Odin W. Anderson, in Nancy E. Miller and Gene D. Cohen (eds.), Clinical Aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease and Senile Dementia, Aging Series, Vol. 15, Raven Press, NY, 1981.
  • “The Public’s Concerns about Health Care and Cost Implications.” Ronald Andersen, in David Klein and John Newman (eds.), Health Care in the American Economy, Number 3, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Chicago, IL, 1980.
  • “Trends in the Use of Health Services.” Ronald Andersen and Odin W. Anderson, in Howard E. Freeman et al (eds.), Handbook of Medical Sociology, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1979.
  • “Comparative Politics and Health Policies: Notes on Benefits, Costs, Limits.” Theodore R. Marmor, Amy Bridges, and Wayne L. Hoffman, in Douglas E. Ashford (ed.), Comparing Public Policies: New Concepts and Methods, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA, 1978.
  • “Federal Health Policies: Recent Trends and Differing Perspectives.” Andrew Dunham and Theodore R. Marmor, in Theodore Lowi and Alan Stone (eds.), Nationalizing Government, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA, 1978.
  • “Standard Measures of Standard Variables.” Lu Ann Aday and Ronald Andersen, in Health Survey Research Methods (2nd Biennial Conference), DHEW Publication No. (PHS) 79-3207, Washington, DC, 1978.
  • “Children and National Health Insurance.” Theodore R. Marmor, in Harvard Child Project Report Volume III: Developing a Better Health Care System for Children, Ballinger Publishing Co., Cambridge, MA, 1977.
  • “Future Directions in National Health Policy.” Odin W. Anderson, in Jack Elinson, Anne Mooney, and Athilia E. Siegman, (eds.), Health Goals and Health Indicators: Policy, Planning, and Evaluation, Westview Press for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boulder, CO, 1977.
  • “Health Survey Research Instruments.” Seymour Sudman and Ronald Andersen, in Advances in Health Survey Research Methods (1st Biennial Conference), DHEW Publications No. (HRA) 77-3154, Washington, DC, 1977.
  • “The Health Programs of the Kennedy-Johnson Years: An Overview.” Theodore R. Marmor with James A. Morone, in David C. Warner (ed.), Toward New Human Rights, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1977.
  • “A Framework for Cross-National Comparisons of Health Services Systems.” Ronald Andersen, in Manfred Pflanz and Elizabeth Schah (eds.), Cross-National Sociomedical Research: Concepts, Methods, Practice, Stratton, Inc., NY, 1976.
  • “Financial Structure of Community Hospitals: Impact of Medicare.” Richard Foster, Hospital Research and Educational Trust, Chicago, IL, 1976.
  • “Politics, Public Policy, and Medical Inflation.” Theodore R. Marmor, Donald A. Wittman, and Thomas C. Heagy, in Michael Zubkoff (ed.), Health: A Victim or Cause of Inflation, Milbank Memorial Fund, NY, 1976.
  • “The Effects of Management Practices on Hospital Efficiency and Quality of Care.” Stephen Shortell, Selwyn Becker, and Duncan Neuhauser, in Stephen Shortell and Montague Brown (eds.), Organizational Research in Hospitals, an Inquiry book, Blue Cross Association, Chicago, IL, 1976.
  • “Welfare Analysis of Changes in Health Coinsurance Rules–A Comment,” Isaac Ehrlich, in Richard Rosett (ed.), The Role of Health Insurance in the Health Services Sector, National Bureau of Economic Research, NY, 1976.
  • “Can the U.S. Learn from Canada?” Theodore R. Marmor, in Spyros Andreopoulos (ed.), National Health Insurance: Can We Learn from Canada?, John Wiley Sons, NY, 1975.
  • “Planning Approaches and Hospital Utilization.” Ronald Andersen, in A Planning and Evaluation Manual, Vol. 1, The Orkand Corporation, Silver Springs, MD (National Center for Health Services Research, Rockville, MD), 1975.
  • “Health Hours, and Wages.” Lee Benham and Michael Grossman, in Mark Perlman (ed.), The Economics of Health and Medical Care, Halsted Press (John Wiley Sons, NY), 1974.
  • “Patterns of Use of Health Services.” Odin W. Anderson and Ronald Andersen, in Howard E. Freeman et al. (eds.), Handbook of Medical Sociology, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1972.
  • “Structural Comparative Studies of Hospitals.” Duncan Neuhauser and Ronald Andersen, in Basil S. Georgopoulous (ed.), Organization Research on Health Institutions, The Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1972.
  • “Factors Affecting the Relationship Between Family Income and Medical Care Consumption.” Ronald Andersen and Lee Benham, in Herbert E. Klarman and Helen H. Jaszi (ed.), Empirical Studies in Health Economics, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD, 1970.