The Behavioral Scientists and Research in the Health Field–A questionnaire survey , Odin W. Anderson and Milvoy Seacat, 1957.
An Examination of the Concept of Medical Indigence , Odin W. Anderson and Harold Alksne, 1957.
The Prescription Pharmacist Today–A factual study of his role in the health field , Wallace Croatman and Paul B. Sheatsley, 1958.
The Public Looks at Hospitals , Eliot Freidson and Jacob J. Feldman, 1958.
Public Attitudes Toward Health Insurance , Eliot Freidson and Jacob J. Feldman, 1958.
The Public Looks at Dental Care , Eliot Freidson and Jacob J. Feldman, 1958.
The Medical Care Price Index , Harry J. Greenfield and Odin W. Anderson, 1959.
Health Research Opportunities in Welfare Records–A preliminary report on illness and economic dependency , Herbert Notkin, 1959.
Comprehensive Medical Insurance–A study of costs, use, and attitudes under two plans , Odin W. Anderson and Paul B. Sheatsley, 1959.
Financial Resources of the Aging–Reporting resources available to those aged 65 and over in meeting medical costs up to $500 , Ethel Shanas, 1957.
Measuring Health Levels in the United States, 1900-1958 , Odin W. Anderson and Monroe Lerner, 1967.
An Examination of the Concept of Preventive Medicine , Odin W. Anderson and George Rosen, 1960.
Hospital Use and Charges by Diagnostic Category–A report on the Indiana study of a Blue Cross population in 1956 , Monroe Lerner, 1960.
Family Expenditure Patterns for Personal Health Services, 1953 and 1958 Nationwide Surveys , Odin W. Anderson, Patricia Collette, and Jacob J. Feldman, 1960.
Health Insurance Benefits for Personal Health Services, 1953 and 1958 Nationwide Surveys , Odin W. Anderson, Patricia Collette, and Jacob J. Feldman, 1960.
Medical Care Among Those Aged 65 and Over–Reported illness and utilization of health services by the “sick” and the “well” , Ethel Shanas, 1960.
Meeting Medical Care Costs Among the Aging–Reported employment, income, and resources to pay for health services among those aged 65 and over , Ethel Shanas, 1960.
Proprietary Nursing Homes–A report on interviews with 35 nursing home operators in Detroit, Michigan , Thomas E. Mahaffey, 1961.
Hospital Use by Diagnosis–A comparison of two experiences , Monroe Lerner, 1961.
Family Relationships of Older People–Living arrangements, health status, and family ties of those aged 65 and over, as reported by the aged, the persons to whom they would turn in a health crisis, and the general public, Ethel Shanas, 1961.
An Analysis of Personnel in Medical Sociology , Odin W. Anderson and Milvoy S. Seacat, 1962.
Syphilis and Society–Problems of control in the United States, 1912-1964 , Odin W. Anderson, 1965.
People and Their Hospital Insurance–Comparisons of the uninsured, those with one policy, and those with multiple coverage , Ronald Andersen and Donald C. Riedel, 1967.
Hospital Use–A survey of patient and physician decisions , Odin W. Anderson and Paul B. Sheatsley, 1967.
A Behavioral Model of Families’ Use of Health Services , Ronald Andersen, 1968.
Health Services in the Chicago Area–A Framework for Use of Data , Odin W. Anderson and Joanna Kravits, 1969.
Medical Care Use in Sweden and the United States–A Comprehensive Analysis of Systems and Behavior , Ronald Andersen, Bjorn Smedby, and Odin W. Anderson, 1970.
The Relationship Between Administrative Activities and Hospital Performance–An empirical study of the relation between managerial techniques and organizational performance in 30 medium-sized community general hospitals , Duncan Neuhauser, 1971.
Ambulatory Use of Physicians’ Services in Response to Illness Episodes in a Low-Income Neighborhood , William C. Richardson, 1971.
Patterns of Dental Service Utilization in the United States: A Nationwide Social Survey , John F. Newman and Odin W. Anderson, 1972.
A Model of Physician Referral Behavior: A Test of Exchange Theory in Medical Practice , Stephen Shortell, 1973.
Access to Medical Care in the U.S.: Who Has It, Who Doesn’t, Lu Ann Aday, Gretchen V. Fleming, and Ronald Andersen, 1984.
HMO Development: Patterns and Prospects, Odin W. Anderson, Terry E. Herold, Bruce W. Butler, Claire H. Kohrman, and Ellen M. Morrison, 1984.
The Municipal Health Services Program: Improving Access While Controlling Costs?, Ronald M. Andersen and Gretchen V. Fleming (eds.), 1986.
Ambulatory Care and Insurance Coverage in an Era of Constraint , Ronald M. Andersen, Lu Ann Aday, Christopher S. Lyttle, Llewellyn J. Cornelius, and Meei-shia Chen, 1987.
Pediatric Home Care: Results of a National Evaluation of Programs for Ventilator Assisted Children, Lu Ann Aday, Marlene J. Aitken, and Donna Hope Wegener, 1988.